Category Archives: contoh


By Nur Taslimah

A. Description

PQRST, similar to SQ3R, guides the students through five steps as they engage with their reading: Preview, Question, Read, Summarize, and Test/teach. It is Before-, During-, and After-Reading Strategy.

B. Why is it used?

•  To make predictions

•  To promote active reading

•  To monitor comprehension

C. Steps for PQRST

 1. Preview:

Students skim the selection, paying attention to headings and supplementary pictures, charts, and notes, to make a prediction of the content of the piece.

 2. Question:

Students pose or create questions based on the headings of the sections and subsections.

3. Read:

As students read, they search for answers to the questions they have posed.

 4. Summarize:

Students write a summary of each section.

 5. Test/Teach:

After completing the reading, students respond to their questions they posed earlier and/or they teach each other by taking turns stating main ideas from the reading.

D. Grade/term             : VIII /2

E. Time allotment       : 2 x 40 minutes

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Filed under contoh, makalah s2, recount

Contoh Recount Text: EARTHQUAKE

gempa bumiI had just got into bed about half past elevent when I felt the tremor. The bed started to tremble and I noticed the electric light hung in the ceiling was swaying.

Then, I got out of the bed quickly and went to look out of the window. As I looked, I saw the house opposite began to fall sideways. Then I realized what was happening. I put on my dressing gown hurriedly and rushed out into the garden.

I was alone in the house, my wife and children had gone to visit my mother in law.

For three or four minutes, I heard a terrible noise of walls falling down, and people screaming, and I saw clouds of dust in the air. Then the trembling stopped.

There were about fifty persons killed and more than two hundred injured. The damage to the property was considerable and about three hundred houses  would haveto be completely rebuilt. (Taken from Strategi Sukses Unas Bhs Inggris SMP/MTs)

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Filed under contoh, recount


Berikut ini adalah contoh dari Recount Text


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Last Summer, I went to Italy. I visited museum and sat in the public garden. Then, a friendly waiter lent me a book. I read a few lines but I did not understand a word. Everyday, I thought about poscard. My holidays passed quickly but I did not send any card to my friends. On the last day, I made a big decision. I got up early and bought thirty seven cards. I spent my whole day in my room but I did not write a single card. (Taken from “Practice and Progress”)

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Filed under contoh, recount